What is a Space Frame Structure? Comprehensive introduction of Space Frame Structure and its advantages

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What is a Space Frame Structure?

Space frame structure are combinations of a coordinated steel elements in 3D format, and they are made out of geometric shapes. Space frame structure with 3D performance and force distribution in other directions, can sustain as well as giving us a very light weight result, and that makes them very affordable. Because of prefabricated system in these structures, the production and building process is super-fast. These structures can be used in many different building types, such as; industrial, commercial and cultural applications including production and storage halls, exhibitions salons, sport stadiums and water parks, mega malls, airports, bus and train terminals, conference halls, amphitheater, train and public transportations halls, aircraft maintenance parking, and many more.

Benefits of Using Space Frame Structural System

Space frame structures as one of the structural systems to stand the gravity and lateral forces have the special benefits of

The Possibility of Designing Large Spans Structures with no Middle Columns

For application of large spans, the cost of the project with space frame system has a remarkable difference compare to other structural systems. In fact, the larger the span, more reasonable prices would be offered by space frame system. In the other hand, space frame systems are absolutely the most affordable and best solution for application of large spans. Regarding the dimensions of the space frame structure, especially for large span ones, and the geographical location of the project, the weight per meter square of space frame structures is so lower than the other systems which is approximately between 10 to 30 kg/m2.

The roof of the Space frame structures

The Possibility of Building of Uncommon Architectural Forms with the Least Amount of Cost

Our company has the ability of constructing of projects with any architectural designs. Actually, the uncommon architectural forms can be easily constructed using space frame system by only changing the angle of members. The increasing the number of space frame loops won’t cause significant extra budget. So, we can reach any architectural form through space frame system technology with the lowest budget.

The Possibility of Building of  Uncommon Architectural Forms

The Capability of Using Columns in any Part of the Structure

Because of the degree of statical indeterminacy factor, these structures have a very high level of stability, and they allow the designer to transfer the weight and a huge amount of the force, all the way through and to the further columns. This beneficial factor allows us to have columns in any part and distance from one another.

Ability to Build Roofs in Irregular Shape Lands

With adding nonlimited number of pipe elements in terms of lengths with together, we can even shape the exact land border lines in the roof. So, space frame structures are not only the best, but of course, the only solution to irregular shaped designs. At this kind of structures, we have the capability of deleting a selected part or parts from the middle of the structure, just like the times that we need to empty the space for that remaining tree in the middle of our design, and of course adding more to the beauty of the end result.

Ability to Build Roofs in Irregular Shape Lands

The Possibility of Having a Full Galvanized Elements as the Cover in High Humid and Dissolving Areas

Since the pipe members of space frame structures even in large craters have average length of 3 to 4 meters, we can drown them in galvanize liquid and put them through galvanizing process, this way we can produce fully galvanized elements for humid regions.

A Full Galvanized Elements as the Cover in High Humid and Dissolving Areas

High Speed Construction and Building Process

Space frame structures come in prefabricated units, and this reason alone makes the construction and assembling process much faster in compare to constructing the other kinds of structures, such as plate girders and ordinary truss structures. This factor becomes more effective for the projects with areas more than 1000-meter square, as we can assemble and construct different stages of a structure parallelly at the same time.

Other Benefits

In space frame structures, there is no any limitation to have roof cranes with different capacities. In designing of these structures, we are able to consider any requirements from the client. For instance, we can include fire fighter pipes in our designing and also to include any number of ducts within space frame structure. It is also possible to consider multiple hanging pendants which will be attached to the ball elements, and these features can be used for installing secondary ceilings, light features, sound system, CCTV, security cameras, and etc.

Space frame structures can be expanded in any desired directions, with least number of changes applied to the main model. High safety rate against natural phenomenon like earthquakes and fire hazards is another specific advantage of these structures.

Being light weighted and easy to transport, the structure’s units can be delivered to the construction site with least amount of cost. And last but not least elegance and beauty are the other benefits of space frame structures.

Space Frame Structure categorization

Space frame structures can be classified based on different categories. In this section, we are going to present these divisions from three point of views; Construction Technology, Type of Element and Architectural Form.

Based on Construction Technology:

Various techniques have been invented for the construction of space frame structures, the well-known ones are MERO, KATROS, TRIODETIC and UNIBAT techniques. The MERO and KATROS techniques are the most commonly used techniques in the country.

MERO Technique

We can categorize space frame structures based on different features. In this part we are going to do the categorization based on three factors (i.e., production technology, element type, and architectural form). In 1942 Mero technique have been provided and presented to the international market by German’s Mero. In this technique we use sphere shaped elements called ball made from CK45 alloy to connect the members to each other.

At the pipe’s connection area, there is a steel incomplete cone shaped element well welded to the pipe and the screws have been passed through this element.

A steel pierced hexagonal shape piece (called sleeve), covers the screw and have the responsibility to attach the whole piece through a pin, so screwing the piece will be possible through turning the sleeve, and in the last step the above-described sphere-shaped element which have already been pierced and threaded according to the converged pipes, will be attached together through this element.

Currently the MERO technique is the most reliable and popular within all the available techniques. That is why the technique is being used to build long span space frame structures.

MERO Technique

KATROS Technique

Another kind of connection type is Disc connection that is informally called “KATROS”. This technique has been found in Scotland. At this technique the end of each pipe will be pressed and pierced and then will be connected to each other using bolt and nuts. Nowadays, based on the new published standards, this connection system has no engineering point of view and can only be used in low importance structures with maximum 10-meter span length.

KATROS Technique


TRIODETIC system is one of the oldest and not so familiar techniques for constructing the space frame structures. In this technique, similarly to the KATROS system, the two ends of the pipe elements are pressed based on a special pattern, and the pressed part of each pipe is placed inside the gap of the connecting central part, and then the space frame network is formed. The limitations of this system are very similar to the limitations of the KATROS one.

UNIBAT Technique

The UNIBAT system consists of numerous inverted pyramids modules, the corners of the base of the pyramids are connected to each other using a screw, and the top of the pyramids, which are located under the structure, are connected to each other by the elements which are pressed at the ends, similar to the KATROS system. The UNIBAT system is used to construct structures with a limited span, and it is usually possible to fabricate a space frame roof with this system only by using multiple middle columns.

Based on Space Frame Element Type:

Using the originally black pipe and painting the elements

The use of black pipe in the construction of elements has a wide range of application in the country and it is used for areas or the projects where the elements are not subjected to the humid climate. Firstly, the pipes with different sizes based on the structural designing step, will be cut with high accuracy and then the relevant cones which are assembled with screws and sleeves will be automatically welded to the pipes with a uniform and high-quality welding length. Then the manufactured elements will be sent to shot blasting section to remove debris and irregularities from the elements. At the next stage, all the elements will be painted using electrostatic method based on the selected RAL color code.

Using the factory manufactured galvanized pipe

Some of the space frame companies use the ordinary factory manufactured galvanized pipes to produce the structural elements that are subjected to humid climate. In this method, first the galvanized pipes are cut, and then in order to maintain the quality of the welding, the galvanized materials of the two ends of the pipes are removed by acid. At next stage, the assembled cones with sleeves and bolts will be welded at two ends of the galvanized pipes. Welded parts on both ends of the galvanized element together with the cones and sleeves will be painted with a layer of zinc-enriched materials. Actually, this method is not approved by this company as it is not possible to make protection cover inner surface of the elements.

Using black pipe and protecting the elements by hot galvanizing method

The best method for space frames with the usage of swimming pool and similar ones that their elements are subjected to a humid or corrosive environment, or also the structures that are constructed in regions with a humid climate, is to protect the elements by hot-dip galvanizing, which is approved by Fazasazeh Company. This method is also approved and well accepted by European companies. In this method, first the black pipe is cut and then a hole is created near the end of the pipe so that it is possible to insert the screw into the pipe and assemble the screw and sleeve after the elements are hot galvanized. In the next step, the cones are welded to the pipes without screws and sleeves. Then all elements are covered by hot galvanizing method. After the elements are fully galvanized, the screw corresponding to each element is placed into the cone from the created holes on the pipe elements, and the corresponding sleeve is assembled on it. It should be noted that at the designing stage of these types of structures, both limit states of tensile yielding and tensile failure of the elements are examined during the design, and the elements are designed based on these different conditions.

Based on Architectural Form:

Space frame structures can be categorized into four general groups in terms of architectural model. The most common form is the arch form called “CHILIK”, which has a simple and beautiful appearance and has taken a large share of the constructed space frame structures. Another form of these structures is a flat or sloping form with a one-way or two-way slope and has limited applications. The third form of the space frames is the dome form, which is made in the form of a sector of a sphere or a sector of an oval (egg), which also has a small share of the constructed space frame structures. Other forms of this type of structure are classified as free forms or specific architectural model.

 you can see some of the projects of Fazasazeh company based on different forms of structure:



The importance of designing, producing and implementing Space frame structures by reputable and experienced companies in this field:

Fazasazeh Naghshe Jahan Company founded in 1995 works especially on the field of designing, manufacturing, and construction of space frame structures. The company with almost 30 years of experience and the support of their technical and professional teams, is now standing among the bests of the space frame structures providers in Iran. During these years we have constructed so many space frame structures with different usages such as industrial factories, commercial and cultural applications including production and storage halls, exhibitions salons, sport stadiums and water parks, mega malls, airports, bus and train terminals, conference halls, amphitheater, train and public transportations halls, aircraft maintenance parking, and many more. We respect our customers by producing high quality elements, and this factor makes us to continuously work on more scientific and technical methods in designing, manufacturing, and constructing space frame structures.

If you are looking for an expert team for the design, production and implementation of the Space frame structure, you can contact our consultants through the phone numbers on the site.

Or fill out the free consultation form by clicking on this link so that our consultants will contact you.

Benefits of Using Space Frame, KATROS Technique, MERO Technique, Space frame, Space frame structures

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