General Questions

In general, any structural design which is based on Iranian construction engineering organization’s rules and regulations, that is met the national and international building codes is qualified by this organization. Based on this fact space frame structures, are qualified as modern design by not only the engineering organization but of course by the world as well. All the space frame structures projects performed by this company are based on the regulations of Iranian engineering building codes and all of them have been confirmed by the organization

Space frame structures can be used for any industrial, commercial, cultural and entertainment functions. In terms of small structural form, this system can be used for any project. During these 25 years of experience, this company has constructed so many space frame projects with different usages such as: production and storage facilities, exhibition and sport halls, water parks, shopping malls, commercial centers, religious buildings, train stations, airports halls and air crafts maintenance halls, border line stations, transit stations, amphitheaters, restaurants, cinemas, museum, car exhibitions, hospitals, care centers, parking lots, cities and factories entrance gates, gas stations, commercial complexes, connecting bridges, billboards, etc.

You just may to call fazasazeh company and then we will prepare architectural model based on functionality and important data collected from your call, at our engineering department. Then the final and confirmed model will be designed based on engineering organization’s rules and regulations. And lastly according to the amount of materials needed for each square meter of your project, you will receive a quotation and sheet plans as well

 In theory, we can even use these structures for the projects with span of longer than 100 meters. During our 25 years of experience, the biggest designing order we have received from our costumers and is now already constructed is the Esfahan’s Absar water park with 85 meters span length and with no middle columns. The space frame of this project with almost 12000 m2 has a unique architectural model. The only choice to fabricate the complicated and unique architectural models is space frame structural system

Yes. Space frame structures are able to be designed based on any loading requirements from the client. The interior cranes of industrial structures can be connected to both steel columns and also, they would carry out by the space frame elements. It is worth to be mention that in one our project that was constructed for aircraft maintenance purposes, a roof crane with 5000kg capacity was directly connected to the space frame elements.

Yes. For the projects that the space frame elements are subjected to humid conditions, the pipe and cone elements will be galvanized using warm method. As described above, this company has innovated a unique method to do galvanizing procedure to be sure that all parts of the pipes, cones, and connections are well galvanized. It should be mentioned that the Sleeves and Mero Bolts are all coated with DACROMET materials for all of our projects. The Moje Khavaran Water Park project with 14000m2 area is one our biggest project that all the elements are galvanized using our own innovated method.

All roof covering types such as galvanized sheets, sandwich panels, zip panels, poly carbonates, glass, and etc. can be used for space frame structures.

Professional Questions

Two dimensional trusses can be modeled and designed at surface plan, while the space frame systems should be analyzed in three-dimensional space. Fazasazeh company is also able to design and manufacture 2D trusses structural systems. The two-dimensional truss systems are made of truss frames that would be installed on the columns located normally at each six meters and then will be connected to each other using horizontal ceiling braces. On the other hand, space frame structures have pipe elements at all three dimensions and that is why they should be modeled and analyzed three dimensionally. Moreover, as there are elements at all directions, so the space frame system is totally rigid and there is no need to install any more ceiling braces.

Firstly, we model the structure based on the received architectural model using AutoCAD software and also some professional ones such as FORMIAN. Then, the structure will be loaded using SAP2000 software based on national and international building codes. All types of loads such as Dead (DL), Live (LL), Snow (S), Wind (W), Temperature (T), Earthquake (E), and etc. will be applied to the structure regarding its geographical coordinates. There is no any limitation at loading stage and we will consider all the required items in our design.

They are different software that are being used to design space frame structures. They can be listed as follows :

FORMIAN, AutoCAD, SAP2000, EATBS, SAFE, and so many self-coded professional applications provided by Fazasazeh company.

The weight of the space frames depends on architectural model, span length, the number and the placement of the columns, geographical location of the project (that defines the wind, snow, and earthquake loads), roof cover type, interior nonstructural elements weights and so many other parameters, which have remarkable effects on the weight of the space frame. However, the weight of the space frames is mostly around 10 to 35kgf/m2.

In MERO connection system one extra hole will be threaded perpendicularly to the axis of the balls and then the U shape steel profiles are installed on top of them. Regarding the subjected gravity loads, the appropriate box steel profiles will be designed and attached to the installed U steel pieces. Finally, the roof covers such as Sandwich Panels, Steel Plates, Zip Panels, or the other types will be connected to the box steel profiles.

Yes, they are. All these requirements from the client of the project would be considered at the designing stage of the space frames. The most important note is that the weight of these hanging elements should be transmitted to the balls of the structure.

Yes, it can be. But actually, regarding our experience, using space frame structures as floor plans is not that common. Anyway, for long spans when concrete slabs or any other replacement materials cannot be used, space frames would be suitable alternative.
